52 photographs (2018) #29: Mysterious stones in Ireland
I am well aware that I have let these posts slide. But it is not because I am no longer taking photographs. Here we are in the last week of December and I am almost at roll 160! And there are a few things in there that should be shown:
During this summer were were in Ireland. It was one the the hottest summers in Ireland for more than twenty years. We made a trip up to the Beaghmore Stone Circles one of my favourite spots in Tyrone and not far from where I grew up. My father always claimed that were more stones there each time we visited, who knows? The stones were all excavated a few decades ago and are thousands of years old. The are slowly sinking back in to the bog.
So it was the first time I was there with my film cameras. It is not easy to take pictures of stones in Ireland in black and white, but I like to think I was more attentive to those chance arrangements of sky and bush and stone that I might have been in the past.

There is a long low level ground all around. I suppose there were trees here a few millennia ago, but today it is windy, desolate place even in the heights of summer.